
Homeopathic Treatment of Thyroid


Every fourth Bulgarian suffers from thyroid gland tissue alteration, with women twice as often suffer from it compared to the stronger sex (data from a study in the country in 2012). Only 1/5 of thyroid disorders, however are due to the gland itself, says Angelika Gräfin Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, German naturopath and Dr. Schüssler therapist, who visited for the fourth consecutive time our country at the invitation of the European Society of Integrative Medicine and DHU and delivered series of educational lectures for the prevention and treatment of thyroid gland. During her lectures Angelika Wolffskeel present the first Bulgarian language edition of her book “Dr. Schüssler salts for children”.



From the viewpoint of naturopathy majority of the disorders of the thyroid gland are under the influence of its connections to other organs and functional systems of the body – the digestive tract, liver, pancreas, thymus, airways, bladder and urethra. Naturopathy always takes into account the whole, when it comes to the treatment of the thyroid gland.

Thyroid gland is an important hormone organ. There are many causes for its work dysfunction: environmental pollution, increased radiation, modern lifestyle with high levels of stress and negative emotions, unhealthy diet, untreated chronic inflammation. Infection and genetic predisposition are also important. Irregularities in thyroid function are hard to find, because patients often attribute symptoms to fatigue and stress at work or irregular lifestyle. Diseases associated with changes in its activity are: hyperthyroidism (over activity), hypothyroidism (low activity), De Kerven thyroiditis and autoimmune diseases Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.



Naturopathy assumed that long-term chronic stress, inability to relieve tension, the desire for perfection in everything and at any price, existing problems in communication or a sense of isolation from others, negative emotions such as sadness, resentment, unresolved conflicts – they all lead to problems in the thyroid gland.



Elimination of stress cannot be done only by taking compositions or dietary supplements. It requires a complete change in lifestyle – diet should be changed, the model “work-rest-sleep” also. As prophylactics and to prevent disturbances in the thyroid gland, Angelika Wolffskeel recommended Dr. Schüssler salts tested combination of stress management:

  • Dr. Schüssler salt №5 Kalium phosphoricum – 5 tablets in the morning, dissolved in a little bit of warm water;
  • Dr. Schüssler salt №7 Magnesium phosphoricum – in the evening before bedtime 5 tablets, dissolved in a little bit of warm water;
  • Dr. Schüssler salt №9 Natrium phosphoricum – in the afternoon, 2 x 2 tablets;
  • Dr. Schüssler salt №11 Silicea – in the evening 5 tablets, dissolved in a little bit of warm water.

The combination of Dr. Schüssler salts №5, №7 and №9 is recommended as accompanying medical therapy to normalize the gland functions.

  • Dr. Schüssler salt №5 Kalium phosphoricum – 3 x 2 tablets daily until 15 pm.
  • Dr. Schüssler salt №7 Magnesium phosphoricum – in the evening – 5-10 tablets, dissolved in a cup of warm water.
  • Dr. Schüssler salt №9 Natrium phosphoricum – in the evening – 5 tablets, dissolved in a cup of warm water.